
Friday 6 July 2012

1.7 Research Objectives

1.7 Research Objectives

Many researchers conducted on service quality and indicate the fact that consumer satisfaction is one of the core factors to win over the competitor in service sector.

(Parasuraman et al.(1991);Berry, & Parasuraman, (1996). It is becoming the main concern for all organizations in fast growing customer-centric market today (Zeithaml, 1988, Gronroos, (2001); Vargo & Lusch, 2004) The researcher find there are still subject areas to investigate about the impact on service “perception – expectation gap” and customer loyalty , hence this research will focus on below mention objectives.

Significant of study and the rational of the topic as mentioned above  gives the clear idea of the Importance research. It should be explained properly and specifically to get the correct idea of the research. The objectives show the direction for the research and it always guide the researcher to investigate what is relevant to the purpose. (Saunders, 2003).

1.    To study what customers general expectation of the services provided by X or any other “2 star” rated hotel by using Servqual factors.

2.    To evaluate their judgment and perception on the service provided by X hotel by using Servqual factors.

3.    To find out how service quality influence, customer satisfaction and customer Loyalty.

4.    To suggest alternative strategies to improve quality of service.

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