
Sunday 15 July 2012

3.15 Justification

3.15 Justification

The researcher making an attempt to understand, the influence between service quality and customer loyalty . this study collect facts and then study the link between these two facts. Therefore philosophy behind this research is positivm.   This study chosen to use “case study” mainly because of the time limitation of the study. Researcher could have use multiple case studies and compare to find better patens. Mainly Quantitative method was chosen over qualititative method to get a collective view from the answers in a short period of time. Qualitative could have used but it requires more time and in this case it will be much harder to collect responses from the guests with long in-depth interviews. Research choice was multiple method as the researcher try collecting relevant data how ever possible. Researcher used primary and secondary data. Secondary data was collected through books magazines, websites ,hotel registry etc Primary  data was collected through mainly by a questioner and some by observations.

Semi structured open ended questionnaires been used (appendix 01).The questioner consist of 4 parts.  

1.    Collect demographic facts  of the respondents.

2.    Collect expectation  and perception of the service.

3.    Collect customer satisfaction facts.

4.    Collect customer loyalty facts.

The answers were given using 5 scale likert rating system 5 for (Excellent) and 1 for (Poor) questioner was done refereeing to Zeithml et al ,1988 and only the other facilities being added extra refereeing few journals.

The reason for selecting an open ended questionnaire survey and the reasons for selecting it  is, it is the best and quick way of collect ample amount of data in a short time period.

Some of the advantages and disadvantages are as follows,

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