
Monday 9 July 2012

2.5 Case Study

2.5 Case Study

A view from ( Yin,2002) pointed out case study should be defined with in the real life context and basically about the incident which happen in real life context. Mainly there are two types of case studys ,single,and Multiple case studies are used in this method. The origin of case study can trace back to 1934. Concept establish after  the medicine phrase of “case study” .Barney and anselm  strauss were the first to present this method in social science. Case study research been widely used after 1967 and it is widely used for academic purposes. (,2011).Yin 1993 specified that there are three types of case studies .

Source : Yin 1993

Figure 3.5.2 Component of case study

Source : Yin 1994

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