
Monday 9 July 2012

3.Research Methodology

Chapter 3       

 Research   Methodology              


The methodological approach to this research is highlighted   in this chapter and  among the  factors   described ; Philosophy, data collection methods, strategy choice, time horizon, sampling technique used  by the researcher according to the  guidance framework,( Figure 3.1) which is developed by Saunders et al.,(2007). Methodology is one of the most important parts of a research

Therefore, it has to be well designed ( Reeves 2005, p.97). Research purpose gives the clear idea of the research. It should be explained properly and specifically to get the correct idea of the research. The objectives show the direction for the research and it always guide the researcher to investigate what is relevant to the purpose. (Saunders, 2003).There are different kinds of research methods and the researcher should use the appropriate methods to solve the problem of the research. Saunders et al (2009) pointed out that it should not only achieve the purpose of the research but also give the absolute answer to the research questions.

 Methodology is helping with the purpose and also engage in the analytical part of the research .That explains why methodology is important in any research. Various   kinds of methodologies are needed for different types of research studies such as   primary research, secondary research and theoretical based dissertations.  Hussey and Hussey pointed out research methods is a selected frame work which gives the guidance to the researchers to achieve the final conclusions. The main object of this section is to discuss and justify the methodology used in this study.

Figure 3.1.1 source: The research Onion ( saunders,Lewis & Thornhill(2007)

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