
Monday 9 July 2012

3.3.2 Inductive Approach

3.3.2 Inductive Approach

Reversing the steps followed by inductive research is the deductive  method.

It also called as “bottom up” approach. (rock climbing) it starts with observation to broader theories.

High degree of uncertainty is involved. (M.K. Trochiim,2006)   Qualititative research use this theory widely. It starts  with observations and then develop to an uncertain hypothesis and test these hypothesis.( Hesse-biber ,2005 ) After collection and analyzing the data this approach  develop this theory.( Saunders et al 2007)  It can be very useful for understanding a connection of individual towards an action.

Jary & jary (1991) think the skills of the  researcher who interview or observe while collecting the data, has an impact on qualititative method. Gratton & Jones (2004)  believes, the theory requires to develop from gathered data.

Figure Source : Saunders et al ,(2007)

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