
Friday 6 July 2012

2.4.5.SERVQUAL Vs other models

2.4.5.SERVQUAL Vs other models

When looking at the options to be  considered to measure service quality, the attention drives to the arguments on SERVQUAL   instrument. Buttle (1996) acknowledged number practical/operational disparagements of SERVQUAL. In his argument he mentioned  that SERVQUAL is not based on any attitudinal model and he added that the SERVQUAL has not formed on the basis of any existing theories related to any economic, statistical, psychological. Zhou ,2004 argued that the  SERVQUAL measurements  doesn’t  really assist in solving problems about Quality of service. It is also been said that when managers are given importance in filling up the larger gaps other gaps many not be filled accordingly. It is also been said that the these gaps are to be measure against other variables such as customer satisfaction to get a clear picture of the effect of these gaps.

The most significant among the a range of critics to Servqual model came along with  the SERVPERF model to analyses organizational service performance towards customer satisfaction. (Cronin and Taylor, 1994).

Since the skeleton of all these models such as “SERVPERF” model are based on SERVQUAL model researcher find it as the most suitable for this study. Further more, advantage of SERVQUAL is  that it can be applied regularly  to evaluate the customer perception against competitors, it gives an opportunity to the organisation to evaluate each dimension or as a whole.It can use to categories customers base on their preferred or most important dimensions.More over it can be invidualised to each organisation depending on their needs. (Parasuraman et al.,1988,1991b)

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